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After being led to Phoenix, AZ in 2013, Greg and Saryta Colbert started an event for marriages and singles entitled, Love, Sex, and Relation-Tips. This event has given many the opportunity to invest in their current relationship season. The heart of the event is summed up in one simple phrase “God’s way is not just right, it’s better!” They know this to be true because, through all the challenges they have experienced, God’s word has kept them and allowed them to share their story with passion and transparency.
Decide to Thrive is all about pursuing transformative, life-altering personal development in either your single, married, or family lives. That is what making the decision to Decide to Thrive is all about. Decide to Thrive is led by Executive Directors, Greg and Saryta Colbert who have been joyfully married almost 17 years. They have a passion for relationships and believe they are called to impact the family mountain in our culture. Greg and Saryta describe their marriage union as joyful because, in the midst of the growing pains experienced throughout the journey, they have chosen to acquire joy by the anticipation, acquisition and even the expectation of something great and wonderful as it pertains to their marriage and family. The Colbert's experience in relationship coaching over the last 12 years has given them a front-row seat to the need to equip singles for marriage and empower marriages to thrive for God’s glory. They are noted by many, as a leading "power couple" in the faith, relationship, and business community. Their unique and practical ministry is sought after by those who will Decide to Thrive.
So I originally signed up for this come to support the Colbert’s but in coming found out some things I can actually add into my marriage. Even though it has been 24 years, my husband and I never stop learning. Seeds were planted and my husband and I are going to take these tips and daily apply them and see where they take us. Thank you so much!
This has been such a great experience! Definitely an eye-opening experience. It was revealing and refreshing to see and know a couple that is willing to share their experiences with us as we go through our walk together who have gone through what we have gone through and still come out the other side and still going strong.
I just want to thank them for being open and giving us a portal into what happens or what could happen within some of the pitfalls they went through. These will hopefully be some of the pitfalls we avoid.
I am out here on business in Phoenix, I live in Texas, and I had the courage, the audacity to come by myself, and thankfully I did so I can take all these copious notes back to my hotel room process it all by myself, cry, do whatever I have to do before the Lord and then come back stronger to my wife. She’ll notice the glow and I’ll have Greg and Saryta to thank for it. You don’t want to miss this! Anytime you’re in the area and they offer this, come by and get it, whether you’re by yourself or whether your spouse is with you. Come, whether your marriage is strong, whether it’s some challenges, or as they called it growth opportunities. I promise you, you will be better for it!